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Melissa P., yo pecadora – Alberto Luchini, El Mundo

venerdì 27 Febbraio, 2004
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LIBRO ESCÁNDALO . Controvertido y superventas, “Los cien golpes” cuenta el brutal despertar sexual de una menor de edad narrado con pelos y señales por ella misma. LA LUNA habla con su autora adolescente y te adelanta parte de su escabroso diario, que ahora se edita aquí HISTORIA DE M. Se llama Melissa Panarello, es […]

Sophie Aire su The Observer

lunedì 2 Febbraio, 2004
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Barefoot and without make-up, Melissa Panarello is curled up on the sofa in a cluttered flat in a dark backstreet near the Colosseum. She nibbles on bread sticks, holding them as if they were cigarettes, and emits gems of worldly wisdom on her field of expertise: teenage sex. ‘I always thought sexuality was normalissimo,’ she […]

My book is erotic not pornographic – Richard Owen su The Times

giovedì 29 Gennaio, 2004
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When police raided a lap dance club at San Dona di Piave near Venice the other day they found that the “dancers” were all under eighteen. The place was awash with drugs, and the gyrating “Lolitas” said they were ready for sex “with anyone we take a fancy to”, according to Il Giornale. “This”, said […]

Confessions of a Sicilian Lolita get publishers hot under the collar – Bruce Johnston su The Sunday Telegraph

domenica 11 Gennaio, 2004
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Passers-by salute her. The barman in this Sicilian cafe is clearly a fan and a young man approaches to ask for her autograph. “I really liked your book,” he chirps. With a flourish, Italy’s newest literary sensation signs her name in a school notebook. Melissa Panarello, author of a frank and vivid account of sexual […]

Intervista su Haaretz di Sara Leibovich-Dar

giovedì 8 Gennaio, 2004
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Melissa Panarello, now 18, attributes her sexual permissiveness to bad luck. “If you have bad luck, you start your sex life at a young age. It was my choice, but it’s also bad fate to find yourself in difficult situations at a young age.” Last July, her book, “One Hundred Strokes of the Hairbrush Before […]

Melissa P. non solo sesso – Andrea Carraro su Il Messaggero

sabato 27 Dicembre, 2003
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A metà strada fra un blog di internet e un diario tradizionale, fra educazione sentimentale e un diario erotico, il libro Melissa P. 100 colpi di spazzola prima di andare a dormire, con le sue 500.000 copie stampate, i diritti venduti in mezzo mondo – negli Stati Uniti uscirà dopo l’estate prossima tradotto dalla casa editrice Grove/Atlantic […]

That’s amore for Italian teen – or is it? Frank Bruni sul New York Times

mercoledì 24 Dicembre, 2003
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Edit the story just a bit, and it becomes a heartwarming tale of early ambition and unpredictable success. A teenage girl from a nowhere town pours her heart into prose. A risk-taking publisher turns that prose into a book. It outsells almost everything else in Italy, making its author famous. That is an accurate enough […]

Melissa Desnuda – Roberto Cotroneo su L’Espresso

giovedì 20 Novembre, 2003
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Troppa curiosità. Anche morbosa. E certamente troppe copie vendute per un libro del genere. E ancora troppo editing, e troppa esposizione televisiva. Parliamo di un esile libro, 140 pagine in tutto, pubblicato dalla casa editrice Fazi nel luglio scorso, e intitolato: “Cento colpi di spazzola prima di andare a dormire”. L’autrice, Melissa P. con solo […]

Le syndrome Melissa en Sicile – Pierre De Gasquet su Les Echoes

mercoledì 19 Novembre, 2003
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Catherine Millet peut aller se rhabiller. A dixsept ans, la jeune Sicilienne Melissa P. est devenue un véritable “phénomène littéraire” dans la Péninsule. Plus de cinq cent mille exemplaires vendus en moins de cinq mois, le journal intime de Melissa P., où cette jeune lycéenne de Catane raconte par le menu ses expériences érotiques précoces, […]